Sunday, 30 September 2012

Do you have fun reading??

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.
                       Margaret Fuller

If you like reading e-books and if you're a fan of Wimpy Kid, check out this website

Idiom of the week ( 1-5.10.2012)


A very fun and useful website for you!

Idiom of the week ( 24-28.09.12)

Assignment 28.09.12

You’re my junior detectives and I hire you to investigate the characteristics of your favourite book or game character. You’re going to present a report using PowerPoint. ( use the information below as a guideline.)

(Send your PowerPoint presentation to my email address until Sunday at 9.00 pm or bring it with a USB flash drive on Monday. )

- What’s his/her/its name? 
- Physical appearance ( you can also include pictures)
- Personality   
- Positive and negative characteristics      
- The role of the character in the book or in the game     
                                                  - Explain why you like this character   
                                                  - Write about the author very briefly